
Showing posts from 2018

The english

I think that the English subject at university is very good (I can’t imagine scientific English), comparing it with the English at school, I can’t say too much, it was basically the same but with internet blogs. I think that the use of blogs improves in a very positive way the learning and use of English, its necessary to practice the English daily if you can because you are always practicing, and this blogs are the perfect opportunity to use that English that you have learned in all the years of your life. My English needs more practice in the writing of it, because there are times that I really don’t know how to write a sentence in the correct way, with the correct words, the correct adjectives the correct order, etc. My plan to improve that it’s to keep practicing through my daily life, other English courses and the most important, keep watching TV series in English its (in my opinion) a very good way to practice. The English is always present in many moments of the day

First opinions

Sincerely its my first time in university in my life so its a little dificult to compare it to something that i have already lived,maybe i can compare it with the school but obviously ots not the same thing, also my school was not very good (in all ways) so i have a very bad reference. The point its that i think that this university (University of Chile) its very good, its has a library, places to eat, computers to use, very good laboratories, good infrastructure, etc. maybe other universities have everything better, but there is no need for more (maybe more roofed places) but the other things are alright. In terms of the curriculum maybe a few things can be changed respect to some subjects in the first and second year, for example there is a subject called "Introduction to the chemistry" that is horrible you cant stay awake in that class its very bored. The majority of the carrers in this facility last from 5 to 6 years (if you dont reprobe anything) but the a

Answering some questions

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets? In my opinion this is a very cruel practice and not only for the animals, its also for the humans think that people that don’t have money and want to adopt a pet but is obligated to pay, That’s not fair! Maybe that people who wants to adopt the pet without paying, give the pet a better trait because they want to adopt him for his love, not for the money. What is your opinion about climate change? The humans itself are causing the climate change and the reason of this is that there’s no education about this topics, and that’s very wrong because if we continue contaminating this planet, it’s going to be our end, the damage its difficult to see at plain sight but if you investigate a little you can realize that the climate change its happening, and its important. What is your opinion about recycling? Obviously connecting with the previous topic, every person in this world should recycle for the good of all t

Our Brain

The brain is the main organ of the human body its like the main control center of all our body, practically makes that the body works even when you are slepping, inconsious, etc. The brain works in together with all the organs of the human body and viceversa, and that its so interesting because that ecuation Brain+Organs+Senses makes that the whole thing that we call body works. Also this organ comands the body to move, eat, sleep, watch, everything. This organ is located in the head just in the top of our body. It has a   volume of around 1260 cm 3  in men and 1130 cm 3  in women,  The adult human brain weighs on average about 1.2–1.4 kg which is about 2% of the total body weight that in adults is around 70 kg. In fact a big amount of illnesses can affect the brain,  but for example the most known are: Stroke, Alzhaimer, Parkinson, Epilepsy, mental disorders, etc.  And each one of this illnesses affects the normal functioning of the brain in very different ways, the alzhaim

Plans for the future

Continue studiying in the university after you finished your main career is something very useful because you can specialize in one or more areas. Clearly it has to be something relationated with your main carrer, not necessarily in a direct way, if you a a chemist you can study a Phd Degree in: ambiental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, etc.   Right now im studying in the University of Chile, and here i like to take the Phd Degree in Organic Chemistry, obviously after obtained my professional degree in Chemist, and after that if i have the opportunity i would like to go abroad and study all that i can. In fact i would like to take a course abroad of Nuclear Chemistry, and if i have the opportunity of study something bigger like a master degree or a Phd degree in that topic, that its something that i would do definitively!! Also if i go abroad i would like to do a part time course only if its possible, because i would like to go outside to know the

One of my dreams

In practically all my blogs I have spoken of Switzerland, a country that calls my attention in all ways especially in the job, something that always has always interested me is the nuclear chemistry and in Switzerland are 5 nuclear chemistry research center and there is job and all the things that I want to learn about nuclear chemistry. I imagine myself not working in the plant itself, in fact I want to investigate about the radioactive material used in the plant, besides the nuclear plant and the work itself its dangerous because you are always exposed to radiation while you are investigating, it’s inevitable to not be exposed to the radiation but in my opinion its worth it. Obviously  Switzerland is surrounded by Germany, Italy, France and Austria so it’s obvious that I want to travel a lot for all that countries. Also is the country with one of the best capitalism systems in the world so I think that the salary has to be good. I really don’t know if I would chang

More Than Music

I always said that I have two passions, The Chemistry and the music, I have live together with the music practically all my life, when I lived in Coquimbo my grandfather played the accordion all time, and my grandmother loves it. When I was 11 years old, I started to practice guitar from myself and until today is something that I enjoy doing it, and since the last year I been practicing accordion, is such a beautiful instrument. The music that I like the most is an style called Post-Rock is characterized for having like constant syntethizer sound making atmosphere, its... a little dificult to explain its better to listen, a group that plays this style of music is called Hubris and in fact it’s one of my favorite groups of music, they have an album called Apocryphal Gravity and it’s simply a piece of art. Another perfect album is the music from the videogame Journey, that OST is simply amazing.   It’s weird because from when I was a child I don

My Favorite Movie/Book

A movie that I enjoy so much is Interstellar because is a movie that makes question you everything that surrounds you, besides it has a complex plot and that is the reason that makes you think in literally everything you know until then. I knew this movie  because a friend of the childhood told me that was so good, that I need to see it, that was like in 10 th grade, 2016. I definitively recommend this movie because the mix of the movie, the music, and the atmosphere, it makes it a piece of art, and the really good art. Also the book that I like the most is “Mi planta de naranja lima” by Jose Mauro Vasconcelos, this book is simply amazing and terribly sad, and interesting because it goes in bad to worse as the story progresses the story start with a child named Zezé that found in the back of his house a lime orange tree which he names “Xuxuruca” and makes him an imaginary friend, after Zezé fall in a ditch and it cuts his feet, with this it makes a new friend “Manue

The best concert of my life (until now)

On July 24 th , 2017 I went to see and listen Animal as leaders in the Teatro Nescafe de las Artes, Animal as leaders is an a instrumental progressive metal from Washington D.C, that its currently composed by Tosin Abasi (Guitarist), Javier Reyes (Guitarist), and Matt Garstka (Drummer). Thband was initially formed by Tosin Abasi in 2007. The event in general was very quiet, but don’t misunderstood me, im talking about the ambient, but the sound was so loud and amazing. Because it was in a theater, the sits prevents us to dance or follow the rhythm in a more appropriate way.       From left to right: Javier Reyes, Matt Garstka, and Tosin Abasi Is fun because the time when i went to the concert, I know only a few songs so in the concert I listen new songs that I doesn’t know and I loved them, so in general I felt very good and comfortable in the concert. There was people selling merchandise of the band like posters, stickers and T-shirts. Here i left

A Country That i Like to Visit.

A country i would like to visit is Switzerland, and it’s weird because like two years ago the only place that i wanted to visit was Italy, I found that was so beautiful and I’m not saying that it is not now but for some unknown reason from one day to another it’s like its wasn’t the same. And from that moment I found that Switzerland was the best place in this world. I believe that the reason of the change was that one day I watch a video from a guys making wingsuit 1 in the Alps. Anyway, the other things I like from Switzerland is that is very safe, you can go practically anywhere at any time because it will nothing happen to you, the languages using in Switzerland are German, French, Italian and Romanish. That it’s something that I know from Switzerland, I also know that the capital of the country is Bern and the largest and most popular city is Zürich. In Switzerland there is a lot of things that I like to do someday like for example: Watch the Swiss Alps, maybe and