Answering some questions

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

In my opinion this is a very cruel practice and not only for the animals, its also for the humans think that people that don’t have money and want to adopt a pet but is obligated to pay, That’s not fair! Maybe that people who wants to adopt the pet without paying, give the pet a better trait because they want to adopt him for his love, not for the money.

What is your opinion about climate change?

The humans itself are causing the climate change and the reason of this is that there’s no education about this topics, and that’s very wrong because if we continue contaminating this planet, it’s going to be our end, the damage its difficult to see at plain sight but if you investigate a little you can realize that the climate change its happening, and its important.

What is your opinion about recycling?

Obviously connecting with the previous topic, every person in this world should recycle for the good of all the person who live in this planet. Also the recycling can be appraise in very different ways, you can make candles, soaps, recycle the polymers, etc. You can take advantage of recycling in many different ways.

What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?

What it’s the problem of having an exotic pet a home? If it’s not dangerous, there must be no problem if the animal stays with you and loves you, it will stay with you no matter what happens. It can be a ferret, a toucan, a lynx, etc. I think that doesn’t matter what animal is, if there is a link. It not must be, It has to be.


  1. I liked your ideas of recycling

  2. I agree with you about what you said about the climate change, people should care about this.


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