My Favorite Movie/Book

A movie that I enjoy so much is Interstellar because is a movie that makes question you everything that surrounds you, besides it has a complex plot and that is the reason that makes you think in literally everything you know until then.

I knew this movie because a friend of the childhood told me that was so good, that I need to see it, that was like in 10th grade, 2016.
I definitively recommend this movie because the mix of the movie, the music, and the atmosphere, it makes it a piece of art, and the really good art.

Also the book that I like the most is “Mi planta de naranja lima” by Jose Mauro Vasconcelos, this book is simply amazing and terribly sad, and interesting because it goes in bad to worse as the story progresses the story start with a child named Zezé that found in the back of his house a lime orange
tree which he names “Xuxuruca” and makes him an imaginary friend, after Zezé fall in a ditch and it cuts his feet, with this it makes a new friend “Manuel”.

I read this book in 7th grade that’s like 2013, it was a book that the teacher told me to read so I read it, and I do not regret it. And probably you neither, you have to read it!!!.

Here i left (in my opinion) the best scene of Interstellar:


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