
Showing posts from August, 2018

The english

I think that the English subject at university is very good (I can’t imagine scientific English), comparing it with the English at school, I can’t say too much, it was basically the same but with internet blogs. I think that the use of blogs improves in a very positive way the learning and use of English, its necessary to practice the English daily if you can because you are always practicing, and this blogs are the perfect opportunity to use that English that you have learned in all the years of your life. My English needs more practice in the writing of it, because there are times that I really don’t know how to write a sentence in the correct way, with the correct words, the correct adjectives the correct order, etc. My plan to improve that it’s to keep practicing through my daily life, other English courses and the most important, keep watching TV series in English its (in my opinion) a very good way to practice. The English is always present in many moments of the day

First opinions

Sincerely its my first time in university in my life so its a little dificult to compare it to something that i have already lived,maybe i can compare it with the school but obviously ots not the same thing, also my school was not very good (in all ways) so i have a very bad reference. The point its that i think that this university (University of Chile) its very good, its has a library, places to eat, computers to use, very good laboratories, good infrastructure, etc. maybe other universities have everything better, but there is no need for more (maybe more roofed places) but the other things are alright. In terms of the curriculum maybe a few things can be changed respect to some subjects in the first and second year, for example there is a subject called "Introduction to the chemistry" that is horrible you cant stay awake in that class its very bored. The majority of the carrers in this facility last from 5 to 6 years (if you dont reprobe anything) but the a

Answering some questions

What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets? In my opinion this is a very cruel practice and not only for the animals, its also for the humans think that people that don’t have money and want to adopt a pet but is obligated to pay, That’s not fair! Maybe that people who wants to adopt the pet without paying, give the pet a better trait because they want to adopt him for his love, not for the money. What is your opinion about climate change? The humans itself are causing the climate change and the reason of this is that there’s no education about this topics, and that’s very wrong because if we continue contaminating this planet, it’s going to be our end, the damage its difficult to see at plain sight but if you investigate a little you can realize that the climate change its happening, and its important. What is your opinion about recycling? Obviously connecting with the previous topic, every person in this world should recycle for the good of all t